Oct 4, 2023

PureHealth’s AHS Subsidiary Awarded Gold Certificate by Arab Hospitals Federation

PureHealth’s AHS Subsidiary Awarded Gold Certificate by Arab Hospitals Federation

Ambulatory Healthcare Services (AHS), a subsidiary of PureHealth, the UAE’s largest integrated healthcare platform, has been awarded a Gold Certificate by the Arab Hospitals Federation (AHF). Announced during the Opening Ceremony of the 24th AHF Annual Forum MedHealth Abu Dhabi 2023, AHS was selected for the prestigious “Digital Transformation Star” Award.

The Digital Transformation Star Award was given to AHS to mark the success of its retinal scanning technology supported by artificial intelligence. AHS is the first entity in the region to implement AI technologies for assessing retinal images, significantly easing the screening process for diabetic patients. The new application has been embedded in AHS’s healthcare across Abu Dhabi and Al Ain, with 9,484 screenings completed since its launch in February 2022.


Rashed Al Qubaisi, Group Chief Corporate Officer of PureHealth, said: “We are honoured to accept this award on behalf of the Ambulatory Healthcare Services team. The Gold Certificate showcases the incredible achievement made by the team and recognises our commitment to digitalizing the healthcare sector. This implementation of AI has already had a transformative impact for healthcare professionals and has elevated patient care by streamlining the screening process. This award further cements our position as a leader in shaping the healthcare of the future. We remain committed to leveraging cutting-edge technology and advanced AI solutions to continually improve healthcare excellence, prioritizing health, and longevity for the UAE and beyond.”


Asma Al Halaseh, Chief Executive Officer, Ambulatory Healthcare Services, said: “We are proud to have been awarded a Gold Certificate for this successful project. We are deploying cutting-edge technology that captures a patient’s retinal image and leverages AI for an automatic diagnosis, all in the space of a routine clinic visit. This real-time service has reduced the time needed for diagnosis from three days to three seconds and is already enabling faster interventions, ultimately improving the outcomes for patients.”


PureHealth continues to shape the future of healthcare by disrupting healthcare infrastructure through the strategic utilization of technology and data, alongside the development of innovative, AI-based solutions. These efforts are aligned with the Emirate’s digital transformation objectives and are harmonious with the Group’s overarching mission to enhance humanity’s average life expectancy and enrich their health span. Bolstered by its comprehensive and resilient network comprising hospitals, clinics, numerous diagnostic centers, insurance solutions, pharmacies, health tech, and procurement services, PureHealth remains at the forefront of advancing the science of longevity and revolutionizing healthcare systems.

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